see clock!

about me

My photo
i'm 13 years old girl that love to play and hang out

Sunday, November 29, 2009


jadi tanggal 28,november-29,november dilla mau kerumah gue buat ngerjain naskah b.indonesia gt terus gue juga ngajak diya tapi rupanya diya masih di rumah eyangnya yg di cipete abis itu dill dateng kerumah gue dari jam 1an soalnya dia abis dr rumah langsung ke sini abis itu kita jadinya cuman main main eh diya tiba tiba nelfon katanya mendingan nginep aja terus dilla lupa hari itutuh dilla ada les! omg trs gmn tugas nya? gue sama dilla taku nelfon bokapnya dilla akhirnya dilla pulang dulu katanya dia mau les terus izin ke bokapnya dengan penuh harapan boleh nginep terus gue ping bella biar kerumah gue juga kan biar rame bella dateng si dilla pulang terus beberapa lama kemudian diya dateng terus si dilla nelfon kl dia di bolehin nginep sama bokapnya trs bella juga minta izin dan di bolehin juga!! asikasik tp bella katanya jam 7an harus pulang dl trs jm 8 balik lg nah jam stengah 7an si dilla balik dh kerumah gue after take course jam 7nya bella pulang dl nah garagara bella gk balik balik kerumah gue gue dilla dan diya kerumahnya bella terus waktu lewat rumahn kosong si dilla nyium bau menyan-___- melati kl menurut gue eh si dilla lari ngibrit ck yg lain jadi pada ngikut dhhhh nyampe nyampe kita nntn the clique kl gkslh abis itu tadinya mau nntn one miss call japan tp gk pada berani jd gk nntn dh kita ngerjain naskah drama sama tugas blog sampe jam 12an gt gue tidur duluan kan gue paling kebo terus di susul oleeeh diya dan yang terakhir dilla sama diya tapi dadakan jam 3an gt gue bangun dan minta temenin buang air kecil sama dilla wkwk terus dadakan gue balik ke kamar jadi gbs tdr akhirnya gue bangun sendirian sampe jam 4-___-trs gue tdr bangun jam 7 dengan yang lain terus gue makann dan lanjutin tugasn terus dilla harus pulang eh beberapa lama kemudian si bella diya pulang jadi gue sendiri lagi dh so bye guys!

Friday, November 27, 2009

happy idul adha everyone!

for all my friends and family happy idul adha day sorry for all of my mistakes to you!

hari ini iduladha yaaa dan gue gk solat ied garagara telat banguun, trs gue ke rumah bude di margasatwa jam 10an gt kali yaa nyampe sana gue salaman dl trs jenguk oma bu'in :)) selese jenguk gue makan telor petis ,gulai dan ayam goreng yumm :9 kenyang banget gue di situ hihi terus ngobrol ngobrol kaaan abis ngobrol kita ke itc buat beli dvd biar gk bsn kl di rumah ada tontonan haha abis dr sana gue ke citoos pengen nntn new moon tp bokap males:((( jadi gk nntn dh disana cmn makaaan makaaan dan makaan abis itu gue pulang nyampe rumah langsung teparrr ck

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

basket sunday and monday

heellooooo..........................jadi kan ya sabtu gue emg kalah lawan 11 tp gue tetep tanding lagi soalnya alix pake sistem kompetisi jadi gue tanding jam 1 kan lawan alix B dan kita kalaaaah -__- scorenya gue lupa deeh trs lanjut besoknya lawan 85 anddd we won scorenya 39-6 congrats akhirnya kita menang, sampe skrg gk ada kabar kita ikut final ato nggk kyknya engga deh yaaah sedih banget-.- yaudah ya capek ngepost bye guys

saturday, 21 2009

alixcup, gue tanding hari sabtu sampe senen oke pasti bakalan capek banget 3 hari itu-__- hari sabtu gue tanding jam 8 di alix gue berangkat sama shabrina putri monick fara isaa trs disana ketemu sama anissa aziza lawan 11 god i hope we win but the truth is we're lost ;( nyiah bgt scorenya kl gk slh 22-11 abis itu gue nungguin sampe cowo main jam 11 yg cowo lawan 73 dan menaang!congrats guys! abis dari alix gue harus ke h/s buat HiFFest 2009, udah nyampe disana gue langsung call icha yang udah nyampe trs gue kelewatan tm jadi disana gue cmn break buat eat tp gue gk makan soalnya di alix udh :9 trs acaranya udh mau mulai dan harus ke ruangan buat mulai acara btw disana itu ada icha dilla fira chesya diya jihan mitha dhimas ihsan dega popon adri sama bella nyusul berserta marsha elsa beibsy dan sasa kl gk slh ck oke back jadi ada jurinya itu kinaryosih,dimas beck,dimas seto,raditya dika, sm 3 juri lagi gue lupa namanya trssss dr tiap sekolah harus ada 1 perwakilan buat presentasi trs mulai film selese film sesi tanya jawab sm soundtrack nya yang pertama itu global mandiri seinget gueee seterusnya gue lupa baeee -___- langsung ke dd aja ya jadi icha yg presentasi filmnya selese soundtracknya harus di nyanyiin kl gk salah judul lagu soundtracknya "cobaan" ygk sh? ck keren loooh abis band dhimas adri dega ihsan chesya bella dll ke citooos trs ya trs abis 6 film di puter ada break dulu trs 3 film lagi di tayangin abis break sekolah yang ikut tuh ada
1.dian didaktika
2.hsks(home school kaseto)
4.pembangunan jaya
6.smpn 68
8.secondary islamic school mandiri

udah di tayangin 9 film ya tuh pokoknya ada break lagi buat jurinya nentuin siapa yang menang break ke 2 rada lama tuh-.- udh break we're crossing our finger diya udah blg'kita tuh gk bakalan menang apapa deh' and than rupanyaaa dedededeng we won 5 trophy soudtrack shot director editing script writer

congrats congrats gk nyangka dapet 5 pialaaaaaaaa, abis itu kita ke citos buat nungguin nyokapnya icha kan kt plg sm dia trs gue beli jcooo baru deh pulang hoams tired abisss
so bye blogersss

must watch it, new moon!!

On Isabella "Bella" Swan's 18th birthday, Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and his family throw her a birthday party. While unwrapping a gift, she gets a paper cut, which causes Edward's adopted brother, Jasper, to be overwhelmed by her blood's scent and attempt to kill Bella. To protect her, Edward decides to end their relationship, and the Cullens move away from Forks. This leaves Bella heart-broken and depressed.

In the months that follow, Bella learns that thrill-seeking activities, such as motorcycle riding, allow her to "hear" Edward's voice in her head. She also seeks comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. Bella later discovers that Jacob is a werewolf. He and his fellow werewolves protect Bella from the vampires Laurent and Victoria, the latter of whom seeks revenge for her dead mate, James, whom the Cullens killed in twilight.

Meanwhile, a series of miscommunications leads Edward to believe that Bella has killed herself. Distraught over her supposed suicide, Edward flees to Italy to provoke the volturi, vampire royalty who are capable of killing him. Alice and Bella rush to Italy to save Edward, arriving just in time to stop him. Before leaving Italy, the Volturi tell Edward that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire. When they return to Forks, Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left Forks to protect her. She forgives him, and the Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, to Edward's dismay. However, Edward gives Bella a choice: either she lets Carlisle change her after her graduation, or, if Bella agrees to marry him, he will change her himself.

really i wanna watch it guys!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

all of my closest friends

wanna see my closest friends? just see below

1.Raissa Libraina

hey this is my bff!! totally cute but she's very grubby she's like to eat and say "bisul pecah" haha she's very nice you must be her friends!(

2.Fadilla Andriani

she's my sistaaa!! she's my classmate at 8a we're always together forever and ever~ if we're together we're crazzzzy very crazy, she's smart very smart also have a nice body she's totally tall!(

3.Syafira Kamilia

she's my chatt partner she can understand all my problems and also she's beautiful all her photo's are cool! she's have a big eyes love ya firr(

3.chesya putri banondari

my matesss she's very beautiful but a little bit freaky u all must see when she's laught ohmaay haha but still beautiful her hair........ i want it!(

4.diya pratiwi

yes she is my twins why? because we're shorter than the others ;3 hihi she's playing as popon's sister at ingkar film she's have high voices hear her when she's singing like angel!(

and sorry for the others if i don't put u in my blog 17 u're my best friends too!

xoxo,Nabila Santoso

what do you think about me? comment!

Monday, November 23, 2009

opening alixcup! friday!

jadi haru kamis seperti biasa bealajaar-___- terus abis solat ada pengumuman basket yang ikut alixcup yah gue kyknya engga ikut jadi langsung masuk ke kelas lagi deh eh si annisa bilang gue ikut alix!! assssssssssssssik! haha besoknya.................opening alixcup! abis keputrian gue langsung ke alix disana ketemu anak basket cowo sama bola tapi gue tandingnya hari sabtu gt disana LO DD itu ilham,kharina sama nurry aabis itu kita di kasih deh jadwal mainnya alix pake sistem kompetisi jadi gk terlalu ngerti deh gue-.- ck abis itu disana gue sama yang lain ngobrol ngobrol terus ketemu sama dhelia cynthia jugaa trs disana kita ngeliat tari piring sama bola alix lawan apa gt lupa deh ckk abis itu jam 5an kita pulang hoams capek paraaah ck bye bogeer see u at my next post